How to Market Internships as a Marketing Student or recent Graduate

If you are a recent marketing student or graduate, it’s imperative that you market your internship opportunities as expeditiously as possible. Marketing internships is no easy feat – after all, this is a field in which one must be both seasoned and savvy!
Despite the perceived complexity of marketing internship positions, there are several avenues for success:
1. Employer branding initiatives can be utilized to effectively position brands and the companies behind them. Utilizing effective employer branding strategies can result in a myriad of benefits for job seekers such as enhanced visibility and recognition within the industry; heightened esteem from potential employers; and ultimately higher chances of landing an ideal position.
1. Internships Should Be Part of a Student’s Career Path
Many employers are keenly aware that internships are integral to obtaining a job with them. You can acquire experience, build work history and reputation, as well as demonstrate eagerness for growth within the corporation… all of which are required prerequisites for an impressive résumé.
Even if you’re crafting your career, it’s wise to have internships on the outset. These opportunities can be just what you need to get started: giving investors confidence in your abilities, building connections within business environments and demonstrating initiative towards future employment.
2. Internships are a Great Means to Build Relationships
You’ve undoubtedly heard the expression, ‘it’s all about who you know’. This adage holds true in any situation, and internships are no exception. You would be hard-pressed not to find friends and family in the workplace, so why not leverage this by bringing them along as introductions?
This is a tried-and-true method for establishing rapport with potential clients, and it could pay off handsomely down the line. By cultivating relationships, you’ll be able to become more familiar with those individuals – thus resulting in greater chances of securing future business from them.
The process of networking is one that should be constantly practiced, as it can yield substantial benefits in the long run.
3. Explain that an Internship is Not Paid Work
When you’re seeking out a marketing internship, it’s important to clarify that the opportunity is not equivalent to an employment offer.
For starters, most companies do not pay for your internship – this clearly indicates that these opportunities are not part of their business plans just yet.
Paying interns is common practice in many industries, and it affords them a sense of security knowing their efforts will be compensated. This can be quite beneficial as a few months into their internship they may face difficulties paying rent without any income while also continuing with school.
4. Market Your Specialty (e.g. Public Relations or Marketing)
When crafting your online profile, it would be prudent to disclose which industry verticals you’re most proficient in. This can act as a handy guide for potential internship recruiters who may not have an accurate grasp of how well suited you are to their requirements.
To stand out from the competition, consider offering your specializations as highlights on your resume and social profiles.
5. Tell Students Where You Have Shipped Students Before
If you are planning to outsource internship services, it’s prudent to disclose your past clients’ experiences with your organization. After all, if customers have encountered issues with your company then there is little motivation for them to renew work with you in the future.
The more prominent those client testimonials, the better. If you can obtain a few glowing assessments from former interns who enjoyed their experience during their internship at your firm then that is even more desirable than simply citing statistics and achievements attained by staff members; after all, this may be an indication of what one could expect if they chose to hire your company for further employment opportunities.
Ensure that any references you provide reflect positively on your affiliation with the organization – don’t mention unfavorable experiences or complaints against you! You want these past experiences to stand as great examples of how satisfied clients found working with you.
6. Create a Clipping File for Students
In addition to the standard resume format that students typically utilize, it is prudent to create a clipping file for them. This file consists of a selection of relevant job titles and functions alongside their corresponding experience and education; this allows recruiters an overview of your credentials with just one glance.
For example, if you possess three years of marketing internship experience with a local organization, then consider creating an accessible clip-file of your latest accomplishment so that recruiters can gain an understanding of your abilities without having to delve into lengthy details.
If you’re seeking employment, creating a profile on Indeed or Simply Hired could be advantageous!
7. Involve Students in Your Marketing Internship Application Process
By involving your students in the job application process, you’ll likely see a boost in their interest in your internship. Show them that there is a direct correlation between their involvement in the process and how quickly they can be contacted for an interview.
If you’re interviewing a particular student who may not have any experience with marketing internships or applications, it may prove beneficial to appoint one of them as your primary point of contact. This will yield more honest responses about the internship itself; additionally, those who are eager to impress should be able to do so by appealing directly through social media channels such as LinkedIn.
As a marketing student or recent graduate, you have the capability to leverage your credentials and gain an edge over other applicants. This can be achieved through internships in marketing!
In order to land a position as an intern in marketing, it is essential that you demonstrate a keen sense of initiative and demonstrate proficiency in all key functions of the discipline. You must also possess excellent interpersonal skills, along with solid writing and analytical abilities – all of which should be evident in your resume.
Utilizing internships as an opportunity for professional development is an ideal way to advance your career and enhance the value of your experience within the field.