Here’s how to get into Closing Every Sale with this Strategic Selling Model

The allure of a “simple” sale is apparent, yet it remains elusive. Anyone can tell you how to close an acquisition; after all, we’ve all had those experiences where things just fell into place without any difficulty whatsoever. However, this process is not straightforward and requires dedication from both parties in order for it succeed – so don’t expect it to come easy!
Virtually anyone who has ever attempted to close a deal has encountered the same obstacles. So why do some individuals succeed at closing more deals than their peers? The answer lies within their approach: they may employ certain strategies that facilitate success more often than others do.
1. Ask
Typically, effective closing includes more than just those last few steps; it requires the use of inquiry questions.
However assertive you are, there’s a good chance your potential client may not feel prepared to ask any probing questions regarding their purchase. This is why it is vital that you proactively ready them for such inquiries by providing clarity and responding accordingly.
To facilitate this process, begin by inquiring about their needs or objectives before getting into further details related to you as an organization. This will help put them at ease while assuaging any apprehensions they may have with regards to trusting you with their business.
“What are their fears?”
To discover the pinnacle of every client’s aspirations, we must identify what they fret over. This may come as a shock to some: even if you are providing them with an unprecedented solution, issues such as apprehensiveness about your business model or future plans for the venture could still persist within their psyche.
When clients tell us that their foremost concern is related to money, we probe further. Why do they feel this way? And what should we do about it?
2. Help them identify their biggest blocking issues — then
In your Search, you have identified two different types of prospects: the ones that need you and those that aren’t ready to buy today.
The more affluent and well-informed a prospect is, the greater likelihood they will scrutinize the sales process before making a commitment. They may even abstain from committing until all issues are resolved!
Gain insight into every prospect’s biggest obstacles and conquer them one by one.
help them solve them
As you come across prospects, ask them if they could use the solution. This is truly a golden opportunity for you to demonstrate your expertise and demonstrate that you understand their needs and objectives – something which will surely propel them towards taking action on your offer!
If they explain that they require assistance in solving a problem or issue, baton passes from marketing to sales with a resounding thwap of success! At this juncture it’s imperative that you validate their predicament by providing an out-of-the-box solution that provides value right off the bat.
3. Find your ideal client by creating a profile
To discover the people who have what it takes to be an extraordinary client, it is critical to know exactly who you are selling to. In order to do so, we must create a customized profile for each prospective customer.
This is an essential component of strategic selling; offering a personalized approach that caters to the preferences of each individual. By identifying potential customers’ needs and catering to them with products or services offered by your business, you can foster a mutually beneficial relationship between both parties – creating win-win situations!
To make things even more convenient, there are numerous tools available that can make the process of crafting profiles effortless.
4. Give your closing ideas a name that connects with them
To properly communicate your selling process, it’s essential that you instill a connection between it and their everyday lives. To do so, you must forge ties with the clientele – providing them an avenue of connection whenever they encounter the process of sales.
To illustrate this point, I recently had the opportunity to speak with Ed Boyle, CEO of The Selling Doctor, who shared with me that his company’s name is a nod to an effortless solution for closing any sale: ‘The Closing’.
During our conversation, I spoke about my desire to become more conversational in my communications with customers and prospects. “That’s why I created Appellate Tools,” I mentioned casually; “to create a comfortable environment where people can converse with ease.”
In contrast to its more formal namesake approach, CEO Ed Boyle’s company has taken a more playful approach toward the term ‘The Closing’. It’s one that emphasizes rapport-building and making conversations about closings an experience that customers will cherish!
5. Structure your presentation to match the buyer’s concerns
Discover what it is that concerns the buyer and then match your presentation with that. Often times, we find ourselves selling a product even when our target audience requires something else entirely.
Assess why you’re selling to begin with: if it’s simply due to an issue that needs addressing within your company, then focus on what that entails. If there’s an opportunity for growth or substantial profits involved – capitalize upon that!
Pro Tip: Access your prospectus right now. If they require additional information before making a decision, don’t hesitate to raise their level of consciousness by providing supplementary material such as free articles or webinars.
6. Give yourself permission to take control of the conversation
Before embarking on a Sales Call, it’s imperative to have a plan in place for what you will say and how you will approach the customer. However, there is no need to conjure up some elaborate scheme prior to entering into any type of dialogue.
After all, the truth of the matter is that your customers are unlikely to fall in love with your product or service out of nowhere – even if they initially expressed interest at the onset. That being said – it is crucial that you always strive towards making every interaction an experience worth remembering!
Sharing a chuckle or reserving time for a small chat after your meeting ends can help create rapport between yourself and potential clients. This can yield benefits such as cultivating trust while instilling confidence in your ability to deliver quality results.
Closing every sale is a tall order, and it’s one that doesn’t come easily. If you’d like to master this essential skill and become an astute negotiator, it takes diligent practice and commitment.
You have all the knowledge and resources necessary to become an exemplary close. All it takes is putting those skills into action!