Discover the Secret Pharmaceutical Sales Strategy That Will Skyrocket Your Success!

For those who are just beginning their career in pharmaceutical sales, the process of setting up your business can be daunting. In order to gain initial customers and build credibility within the industry, it is essential to devise a sound sales strategy that will catapult success for you!
When I am interviewing prospective candidates for my team, I am often asked: “How did you determine which prospects were worth pursuing? What was the process you went through in selecting them?” My answer has always been straightforward – despite our consistent efforts at maintaining high-quality standards, there is no formula or workaround that can guarantee success; rather it comes from an accumulation of hard work and perseverance!
1. Get Your Free Report
Did you know that there exists a free report that could help propel your pharmaceutical sales success? This is available to all readers at no cost! The form-free, downloadable ‘How To Prospect Like A Pro’ guide offers invaluable insight into the correct ways to approach potential clients.
The e-book outlines exactly what it takes to be successful in pharmaceutical sales: from crafting effective cold calls to effectively closing deals with prospects and, of course, providing excellent customer service when all is said and done.
To claim your complimentary copy of ‘How To Prospect Like A Pro’ simply visit this link and enter your email address. You’ll shortly receive an invitation to access the document!
2. Discover 9 Keys to Success as a Pharmaceutical Salesperson
To become a successful pharmaceutical salesperson, you must adopt an enduring approach in your strategy and perfect the art of persuasion.
Our recommendation: Make use of our handy guide for becoming an effective pharmaceutical salesperson!
3. Learn the 5 Commitment Levels of Top-Performers
Are you a newcomer who is just getting started? If so, perhaps it’s time to consider learning how some of the industry’s greatest salespeople operate. In order for them to attain success, they had to transcend the conventional norms and adopt certain techniques that lend themselves well to increasing their odds of success when in contact with potential customers – all while staying within their comfort zones!
To optimize your endeavors, one can leverage several commitments: a pledge of intent, a solemn vow or undertaking; a resolution or determination; an expression of resolve/determination; as well as entreaties such as requests and supplications.
It’s important to note that if you wish top-performers’ 5 commitment levels on any given day, permission must be sought from these individuals before making use of them.
4. Find Out What the State of the Pharma Sales Profession Is Today
Understanding the state of pharmaceutical sales strategy can be an essential factor in determining where you are going next and what direction your profession will take. In recent years, there has been a seismic shift towards digital marketing strategies within pharma sales organizations – which is indicative of where things are headed.
If you want to succeed in the pharmaceutical sales field, it is imperative that you understand the current landscape. Navigating the complex nuances of industry trends and staying abreast of key developments can help ensure your success!
To gain further insight into the nature of the pharmaceutical industry, we took a closer look at a few of its more prominent aspects:
While research suggests that women comprise the majority of healthcare practitioners (65% versus 35%), they account for only one in three executives in practice. Conversely, only 29% of healthcare executives across all industries are female; however when compared with other sectors such as finance, law and media – this figure comes out lower than average yet still slightly above average. On average these industries boast a mere 36% female workforce!
The frequency with which we interact with our physicians or other healthcare professionals is likely higher than ever before – and for good reason! With numerous medical specialties represented, and additional subspecialties available along with vast variations between countries; chances are that we have conducted business with someone from our neighborhood already.
Established in 1996 as a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., Essential Health Inc. was founded as a way to combine Pfizer’s pipeline technologies with those from outside innovators to expand upon their offerings. This goal continues to this day, driving development toward creating value for both parties through developing new models for healthcare delivery systems and discovering ways for them to become more cost-effective.
In order to establish itself as a formidable entity within the industry, Genesis Pharmaceuticals managed to carve out an impressive niche for itself by providing superior services at minimal costs while remaining responsive and accountable throughout each step along the process.
5. Discover an Exit Strategy for Any Situation
It is imperative to have an exit strategy for any situation. This means having an action that you can take in the event of an issue, conflict or other scenario that may arise.
For example, if I were to fall ill and require immediate medical attention, my physician would most likely recommend a prescription. However, if something unforeseen were to occur such as an automobile accident then it could be prudent for me to contact an auto-insurance company to secure a comprehensive policy which will ensure that my insurance obligations are fulfilled should anything happen.
Having a systematic plan in place provides reassurance and security in times of uncertainty.
6. Understand How to Turn No into Yes
There is no denying that, with all its pluses, the pharmaceutical sales process may also be viewed as somewhat harrowing. Those reluctant to venture into the industry, who have yet to experience success, may find themselves initially resisting any form of engagement with their representatives. It’s crucial to keep this in mind; if you can’t entice potential prospects into giving you a chance then there’s no need to even try.
Proactive pharmaceutical sales reps must recognize how valuable it can be to discern when an individual is receptive towards their message. Sometimes it helps to provide such individuals with some level of assurance before broaching certain subjects – one such method commonly employed is providing ‘free advice’ on a dilemma or problem. This could take the form of delivering information on medications and their expected outcomes; offering friendly insights regarding similar experiences within your target audience; or offering straightforward solutions for resolving issues that might arise as a result of taking particular treatments.
7. Have a Battle Plan for Every Situation
Don’t expect your pharmaceutical sales strategy to fall in place overnight. It is imperative that you have a well-conceived plan for every situation.
Obtaining an ample supply of pharmaceuticals is essential if one hopes to succeed. However, there will be times when it may not be possible for you to obtain the drugs you need for an upcoming meeting or other event. In these instances it is imperative to have alternate plans!
For instance, should your primary objective be acquiring new customers – even though that may prove challenging – you could take into consideration offering cut-rate prices as an introduction towards higher costs later on.
8. Pick Up the Phone and Call Any Doctor You Want
If you want to discover the pharmaceutical sales strategy that can help you grow your practice, then don’t neglect this aspect. Establishing an on-going rapport with medical professionals in your vicinity is imperative as it provides a variety of opportunities for communication while also providing access to new potential customers.
The key to succeeding with pharmaceutical sales is to utilize every possible opportunity available – and one of the most effective ones is by placing telephone calls. This approach allows you ample time to learn about potential customers, build rapport and develop trust before introducing yourself to them in person – all without requiring any effort!
9. Do What Most Reps Don’t Do!
Before you embark on your pharmaceutical sales journey, do not forget to exercise caution. Despite the varied job opportunities that exist within the field, there are still many similarities between companies. Although they may vary in size and industry sector—from Fortune 500 enterprises to mom-and-pop operations–they all offer a similar product!
Indeed, while each pharmaceutical sales rep will have their own unique touch, their ultimate goal is always the same: Generate business for the company by making sales calls on potential customers. Thus, if you’re looking for new career possibilities in the industry it might be prudent to take a careful look at which tactics tend to be employed most frequently by those already working in this realm.
Despite the notoriety of pharmaceutical sales, they remain an indispensable component of most healthcare organizations’ revenue streams.
In our next installment, we’ll be examining how to successfully implement a pharmaceutical sales strategy and gain an advantage over the competition.