Creating a Functional Mobile App: How-To

Are you seeking to create a mobile app for your business? If so, it’s important to follow a rigorous process. Here are ten essential practices that will ensure success!
1. Make it user-friendly
As previously stated, with so many useful features packed into smartphones and tablets, making an app user-friendly is key. Users have varying degrees of knowledge about technology and thus can become overwhelmed when introduced to unfamiliar functions; therefore making your design approachable for users is imperative in ensuring success!
Keep in mind that not all apps will be able to provide a simple interface. However, it’s essential that you remain mindful of the type of experience you wish to offer potential customers.
With everything from sophisticated medical tools to innocent games and avian pet care applications out there, how do you create an app that’s both intuitive and inviting? By keeping certain considerations in mind when creating your mobile application including:
2. Make sure everything is search engine optimized
You can’t neglect optimizing your app for the internet’s leading search engines. This entails ensuring that the URL and metadata are correct; adding keywords and long-tail phrases relevant to its content; as well as making sure all links within the app lead to relevant pages within your website.
Not just any SEO expert will suffice, however – instead seek out an app development agency who is adept in this realm.
3. Mobile apps need to be updated
When creating an app, it’s imperative that you don’t allow for neglect. Regularly checking the status of your mobile application and making changes when needed is crucial. This can be achieved by utilizing a tool such as App Annie which will provide notification alerts when an update becomes necessary; ideally one should always take advantage of these opportunities!
Checking in with clients or customers is a great way to ensure that they remain pleased with your app. By inviting them to conduct a review, you’re helping them stay abreast of newcomers as well as alerting them when updates are forthcoming.
4. Develop a mobile app that complements your business
If you’re seeking to realize success with mobile apps, it is essential that you envision your enterprise’s investment in context. After all, if an app isn’t conducive to the core mission of a business then chances are its potential return on investment may be smaller than expected!
Be sure to assess each aspect of your organization holistically when crafting an app strategy: consider issues like customer data and backend systems alongside marketing strategies, ux design, and product offerings. This can yield some very invaluable insights into where mobile technology could assist most effectively!
5. Test and improve your mobile app
Despite bringing a product to fruition, it’s important to keep tabs on how users react to it and make adjustments as needed. To ensure the most optimal user experience possible, it’s essential that mobile apps undergo regular assessment – whether in-house or by an outside consultant.
After launching your app, you might encounter some bumps along the way; however, don’t be discouraged! It’s imperative to regularly evaluate your app for functionality issues as well as potential enhancements before deciding on any changes.
6. Look for mobile app development partners
If you aren’t equipped with the necessary skillset, partnerships may be your best bet when it comes to creating an app. And indeed, there are many firms offering mobile app development services who possess specialists in this domain – so you can rest assured that any progress will be expedited with ease!
For example, if you don’t have much experience implementing Attribute-based Access Control (ABAC), designing interfaces or creating robust backend codebase, then outsourcing the process could be a much more reasonable option.
7. Check for bugs (and get rid of them)
As the user tests roll in and you begin to amass feedback, it is important to remain cognizant of any issues. Don’t hesitate to investigate matters highlighted by users’ complaints – make corrections where necessary!
Pro tip: At this point, you can easily run an app review checklist to ascertain what tasks still need to be accomplished on your app.
8. Apps need to be updated on various platforms
Ensuring that your app is compatible with various mobile operating systems and applications platforms can be a daunting task. Ensure that you check the compatibility of your app before launching it on the market so that it doesn’t pose any issues for users who may not have upgraded their phone yet or are still on an older version.
Developers need to keep their apps current to ensure quality content for patrons, which necessitates regular updates. Regular app updates are essential for maintaining relevance in today’s era of rapid product development – so why not utilize this opportunity when possible?
9. Get your app listed in the app stores
Before you can market your app, it must be uploaded to the appropriate app stores. If not, no one will find it and download it!
While shopping for an app store may seem like a daunting task, don’t fret – there are many convenient options available. Current offerings include:
- Google Play Store: Google’s flagship app store boasts over 2 billion downloads. Incidentally, new users can enjoy ‘pay-per-download’ pricing here;
- Apple Apps: Apple’s App Store boasts more than 600,000 apps – so chances are good that if yours isn’t there yet, it won’t take long for people to discover it! Plus, with this particular marketplace you’ll find in-app purchase and subscription services as standard;
- Amazon Appstore: Amazon’s relatively recent entry into the world of mobile app distribution;
- Windows Phone Store: For Microsoft-centric developers out there looking for an avenue of exposure on its platform;
- BlackBerry App World: If your product is BlackBerry-related then this is the place for you!
Unlock the power of your app, and expedite its development with these proven strategies. By learning how to create an app (for example, for video chatting), you can attain success much faster than previously anticipated – giving you ample time to plan ahead and complete this crucial project within a timely fashion.