
Steps to Create a Working Marketing Content Plan

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Are you acquainted with the notion of a marketing content plan? Although this may seem like an obvious prerequisite when setting up a business, it’s not uncommon for entrepreneurs to overlook its significance.

If you’re just getting started in your venture, there’s no need to despair – it’s possible to create a well-structured plan without any prior experience. But why would anyone want such a thing? It offers guidance for all phases of marketing activity, from conception through execution.

Are you struggling to devise an effective marketing strategy for your business or product? Don’t fret! We’ve got the solution: let us guide you through the process and help you come up with one that suits your needs. You can also check out Stackby roadmap template for a comprehensive guide to building a successful marketing content plan.

1. Define your ideal customer profile

Are you interested in providing an enterprise-level solution to a particular niche? Or do you want to provide content that will resonate with a more general audience? Regardless of which type of customer base you are targeting, it is essential to develop an understanding of who these individuals truly are.

The advent of Big Data has opened up new avenues for marketers to experiment with targeted audiences and gain unprecedented insights into the preferences of their patrons. For instance, if one wants to create useful marketing content for professionals, it might be prudent to enlist assistance from experts on their specific industry before crafting any offerings.

Ensure that your ideal customer profile accounts for all relevant factors regarding who you are trying to reach with your content. The following questions should help guide your assessment:

2. Examine your content assets and their value

The methodology for selecting the best of your organization’s content assets is a critical step in developing the Marketing Content Plan. Considerations include:

• Where are they stored? Are they readily accessible? Are there any restrictions preventing their direct use?

• Is it possible to reuse any of these items in other projects? What if someone else decided to utilize this piece of content for an entirely different endeavor – could you successfully repurpose that resource?

• Are the contents up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies? Must one be an expert in each field in order to craft correctly written content pieces? It may be advisable to enlist the aid of more seasoned professionals when crafting content pieces; however, leveraging experience must not impede creativity!

3. Assess your marketing team’s capacity

Before you can begin creating your content marketing plan, it’s essential to first ascertain the abilities of the individuals tasked with carrying out its execution. Create an assessment in order to determine who is best suited for the job – an experienced marketer or a novice on the team?

Ultimately, don’t forget that everyone has a role to play within this process! The most efficient approach is to design a strategy that leverages the strengths of every member of your team and coordinate them for maximum effectiveness.

4. Pull content investment costs together

When creating and launching new content, it’s essential to budget for its creation and distribution. These investments require time and resources from an organization’s marketing team – this process can be quite laborious!

Begin by gathering an inventory of your total investment costs for the year. Divide these figures into three distinct categories: creation; distribution; and promotion.

Some noteworthy costs include:

Once you’ve compiled a list of expenditures for each of your content initiatives, you can use this information to determine the ideal investment level for future projects. Over time, gradually scaling up or down is key to providing ample funding while avoiding overspending on any particular item that may prove less lucrative in the long run!

5. Record your strategy in a plan template

To ensure that your marketing content strategy remains organized, utilize a template plan to organize it all. The point of having such an itemized plan is so that you can see where different pieces of content fall into place relative to one another; each piece is connected in a linear sequence from start to finish.

Utilize these templates to lay out the fundamental roadmap for your business’ narrative and create a customised template that caters to your unique requirements!

Additionally, for expert guidance in implementing and optimizing your content marketing strategy, consider partnering with one of the best content marketing agencies. They can provide valuable insights, industry expertise, and creative solutions to help your business effectively reach and engage your target audience.

Most SaaS content doesn’t convert because the emphasis is on keywords and SEO. Such content primarily attracts accidental visitors by getting to the top 3 of search results. They are not interested in the SaaS solution, so such content is ineffective. Here are five things you can base your SaaS content strategy on to better drive sign-ups.

6. Share it with your stakeholders

Before unveiling your content plan to the world, it’s essential to inform all relevant parties. Make sure that you share your plans with those who will be subjected to its dissemination!

If you’re marketing a new product, one of your prime audiences may be existing customers. Be sure to keep them apprised of developments – after all, this could be an opportune moment for reviving any waning relationships between them and their brand.

Additionally, solicit feedback on your planned effort or initiatives; this can help foster a sense of community among stakeholders – thereby enabling them to offer suggestions or even provide assistance as needed.

7. Evaluate its performance

In the course of producing your marketing content, it is imperative to evaluate how effective it has been. It’s simple: if a piece of content does not generate any sales or leads for your business – then it was not successful!

In order to ascertain the efficacy of your initiatives and measure their success, there are various metrics that can be employed for evaluating performance. Some popular ones include: clicks; shares; likes; comments; website traffic – and more!

Having an awareness of the last few pieces of content you’ve published could be helpful in determining what resonates most with your audience.

8. Optimize on the go

Repurposing old articles, tweets or blog posts is a tried-and-true method of generating new traffic and brand recognition.

If you repost an article from an established website, it will likely generate influxes of added visitors. On the other hand, if you tweet a piece of content that was originally published on your own channel – such as one crafted by this very publication – then enthusiasts everywhere may be able to peruse it and benefit from it!

Utilize tools like Hootsuite or Buffer to schedule your content so that it’s automatically generated at regular intervals. Allow yourself just enough time for revision before finally posting it out with all its bells and whistles intact!

The most imperative factor affecting content marketing is the quality of your writing. Ensure that every piece of content you produce for your organization is exceptional, for it will ultimately determine its success.

Getting started with a marketing plan will entail composing an introduction, a description of what you’ve experienced so far and how it pertains to your business; an outline of where you’re headed – including any potential pitfalls along the way; and finally a conclusion which should be followed by a call to action.

Ensure that all aspects of our content marketing plan are centered around realistic goals and metrics. Achieving these can be challenging, but they offer a sense of legitimacy when looking back on our progress!


The process of creating a marketing content plan can be daunting, yet fulfilling. It requires effort and creativity on your part; however, if you take the necessary steps along the way it will yield significant returns in terms of increased visibility and increased conversions. With a solid plan in place, you’ll have everything needed for success!

As you embark on this exciting endeavor, remember to keep an open mind and be willing to experiment with various approaches. Utilize our resources as reference points while simultaneously testing any new ideas – taking advantage of all possible options will help ensure that your content plan remains fresh and dynamic throughout 2018!

Hi, I’m Tanja Vetterlein

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