The 7 best SEO tactics for a newly-established digital agency

Today, we are delighted to share with you seven essential practices for agencies that strive to attain and maintain high rankings in search engines.
For those who are striving for success in search engine optimization (SEO), there are a number of critical factors that must be considered. To achieve this goal, it is essential to employ a team, devise strategies and implement tactics – all which require experience!
As you plan your marketing strategy for 2018, how can you ensure that your team isn’t left behind? Below are seven recommendations for agencies hoping to improve their standing in search results; don’t forget to experiment with new ideas at every opportunity!
1. Find a partner that shares your vision.
The first consideration when selecting an SEO agency is the extent to which they are aligned with your visions. Are they wholly on board with what you aspire for your business? If not, then it’s best that you seek out a company that understands your goals clearly and has experience in offering solutions accordingly.
If you’ve already lined up an SEO agency, but need to make some adjustments, be prepared for any changes. Make sure that you’re in sync with your team from the get-go – otherwise, it could lead to a chaotic situation.
2. Draft clear and simple content strategy.
It is essential that you articulate precisely what your business does. This should be reflected in the title of its website and any other material related to it; as well as its branding.
By setting out your terminology and identifying key terms for your service, you can ensure that it is understandable and relevant to search engine crawlers.
To ensure that visitors remain in awe of your online presence, it is imperative to craft captivating blog posts and galleries. The act of focusing on these two formats allows brands an opportunity to expand their knowledge base and share information about themselves – without overwhelming them with too much data!
However, ensuring that your content remains up-to-date is a critical aspect of running a successful SEO agency. After all, search engines are ever so vigilant when monitoring content and they won’t hesitate if they find anything out-of-date or lacking in quality.
3. Make sure your website has a mobile-friendly makeover.
Ensure that your web presence is optimized for mobile devices, particularly if these are the primary mode of access for your customers. Ensuring this is an essential component when embarking on SEO; after all – without it they cannot be reached!
By employing a mobile-friendly template or app on your website, it will instantly lead to a more engrossing experience for users who browse on their smartphones or tablets. And when it comes to user experience, you cannot overlook this factor!
4. Do keyword research before you begin any SEO campaign.
Whether you are a seasoned pro or just starting out, it is essential to conduct research beforehand so that your SEO campaign will be more targeted and effective. It’s crucial to understand the latest trends in search engine optimization before embarking on any endeavor; even if you’re new at this – don’t fret!
Keyword research is indispensable for any business seeking to increase their visibility on Google. Utilizing a robust keyword database can help improve campaign performance, as well as yield concrete data regarding which keywords are currently being searched most frequently and their relative position in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). This can be invaluable when formulating an effective SEO strategy!
5. Test every website you create before you launch it publicly.
After creating all of the different templates necessary for a client’s website, it is essential to test them out on Google and Bing (yes, Bing still matters, especially if you’re targeting audiences in the US). Testing can reveal any discrepancies that may need to be remedied before making an official launch – after all, no one wants unhappy clients!
By keeping tabs on the results of your SEO agency’s portfolio websites, you’ll keep track of patterns for each. This will allow you to gauge where improvements should be made and prevent any hiccups along the way.
6. Transition your agency in a smooth manner as you close your doors (or outsource).
If you are planning to cease operations or outsource tasks, it is essential that you perform an orderly transition. Politely closing your doors can be a daunting task for any business owner, but communicating effectively with potential new associates could help facilitate its smooth completion.
Unsure about how to make this process go smoothly? Keep in mind that it’s not uncommon for hiring agencies to assist with the closure of businesses when necessary. Consider reaching out to these firms for assistance; after all, they have intimate knowledge regarding what must be done before proceeding with an abrupt shuttering!
7. Keep an eye on your competitors and stay on top of the trends in the SEO world
It can be quite alarming to experience a sudden drop in rankings, but it could also be an indication that your competitors have decided to alter their strategies; this is not necessarily a bad thing!
If you notice that Google has imposed any penalties on your competitors’ websites, you should start using the information gained from those incidents as opportunities for growth. For example: if your competitor’s website suffered from a malware outbreak last year and subsequently had its pages removed from search engines; consider implementing an incident management system (i.e., consider Opsgenie alternatives) to prevent such events from occurring again! Alternatively – if niche businesses like escape rooms, or boba shops are opting for more up-to-date SEO tactics like local traffic targeting or social media promotion – maybe it’s time to jump on this bandwagon too!
If one of your competitors starts getting ahead of you with new ranking factors, then it could be an opportunity for you to expand upon your offerings. This can be achieved by creating new content on all relevant topics and maintaining regular updates about them.
Are you an SEO agency? Then, chances are that you employ countless strategies and tactics to enhance your company’s visibility in the search results.
To be successful, you must strategize how to best optimize your website for search engines. In this piece, we provide a handy guide listing 7 must-use practices!
Are you interested in learning more about the intricacies of SEO? Check out our blog series on the topic! We devote an entire week to delving into one aspect of search engine optimization.
With all this in mind, how do you plan to enhance your SEO strategy? Let us know!
If you’re interested in furthering your knowledge of SEO, take a look at our comprehensive guide. It covers all aspects of the subject in an effortless manner.